Back II Afrika - Day 3

Project Africa
Back II Afrika - Day 3 (7/16/18)

The drop in temperature is appalling! We stepped off the plane after a 14hr layover and 8hr flight and were immediately accosted by the chill of the South African JULY! It is quite the body shock, especially after 100 degree weather in Los Angeles. I had prepared myself mentally, but soon discovered that mental preparation was not enough to combat the lack of PHYSICAL preparation, haha.

We were greeted at the airport by two of the friends Corey (of Rap Sessions) had made on his first trip to JoBerg. They immediately made us feel welcome as they brought us to their home where a beautiful meal and bonfire had been prepared for the whole Coalition. Unfortunately my vegetarian dietary restrictions prevented me from enjoying most of it, but what I did have tasted amazing. I think I will discover that in general it will be difficult to accommodate my lifelong meatless diet here, but that is something I have come to expect wherever I go.

The flames of the bonfire licked through the cold of the night air as a few of us gathered around in song with the instruments brought in by a group called Roots. I had a black tea to warm my body along with the warmth of the flames and music.

I met with the other leaders of the Global Education Exchange Coalition before retiring to the airbnb and by the time we made it that night, we were pretty exhausted. The place we have is absolutely beautiful. There are multiple balconies on the second story, a game room, dining room, office, living room, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, and a pool which we, by consensus, most definitely will not be getting into. Ha, we had joked about having a winter pool party before facing the realities of the chill.

Well that's it for today's update. Later!



Project Africa: Los Angeles
"A group of conscious artists endeavoring to enrich our spirit and art through cultural immersion into our historical origins"


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