Back II Afrika - Day 2

Project Africa
Back II Afrika - Day 2 (7/15/18)
Have you ever sat in one place for 15 hours not being able to escape the confinement of that situation? In this particular situation, I guess it's not as traumatizing as it sounds, haha, but it's pretty close. I used my 15 hours to get sleep, read a couple chapters of a book from my favorite author - Dean Koontz, do some journal writing, and watch a beautiful film called "Burnt", starring Bradley Cooper.

We arrived at the airport around 7:30pm and decided to go do some exploring in Abu Dhabi during our 14hr layover. I don't know why I've never thought about Abu Dhabi in the context of palm trees...there are actually quite a lot of them. The Yas Mall is pretty remarkable. The architecture, choice of vendors, furniture, scents, everything is just beautiful.

The next flight is not until 9:55am so I'll use my remaining hours to get some rest. I was inspired on the flight to write some poetry as I thought about the fact that I am so blessed to get this experience and continue living out my dreams:

What is In a Dream?

What is in a dream? 
Does it gather up hope as it let's off steam?
Does it bottle up a smile, a full-toothed grin,
Ear to ear, shining, flash and gleam...
As it preys on an unsuspecting

What is in a dream?
Is it a tender touch, or heavy hand?
Does it trickle in slowly or with strong command?
Does it feed you to bursting,
Or starve you too thin...
As you mask off the disappointments with its full-toothed grin?

What is in a dream?
Do you dare to find out?



Project Africa: Los Angeles
"A group of conscious artists endeavoring to enrich our spirit and art through cultural immersion into our historical origins"


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