The Voyage - Day 7

Project Africa
The Voyage - Day 7 (7/28/15)

“I’m so excited to be gracing the stage in AFRICA!”

We visited the W.E.B Du Bois center today where there were many photos and books and even his and his wife’s grave. We had a guided tour by a woman who was a student of the hospitality division of her school, becoming acclimated to speaking with groups. Next we visited the Kwame Nkrumeh museum and mausoleum. The original statue was still standing and the head of the statue, recovered almost 40 years after the coup d’état dethroning him, was also displayed on its own podium. After these museum visits, we were taken to a marketplace to try our hand at the bargaining system here. It was pandemonium, lol. People were pulling on our arms and clothing at all times and pushing items into our faces and hanging them on our arms and shoulders. It took 20 minutes to get through like 4 feet of space. But we were told that was just the first introduction to what is to come. We got a chance to enjoy some live jazz music in the evening at +233 Bar and Grille. I was also able to get an introduction to the owner...through that introduction, I booked a show on August 4th (the only other day we will be in Accra)! I’m so excited to be gracing the stage in AFRICA!


Project Africa: Los Angeles
"A group of conscious artists endeavoring to enrich our spirit and art through cultural immersion into our historical origins"


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