The Voyage - Day 5

Project Africa
The Voyage - Day 5 (7/26/15)

"That bridge between time is...magnificent."

We have been here in Egypt for like 3 days now but it feels almost like 3 much (maybe too much?) has come at us...the abundance of visual stimuli and overall intake is almost overwhelming. Today's highlight was definitely The Egyptian Museum. I felt like I needed to be there to feel a stronger connection to this land...The museum is HUGE...too much to view all in one day (or even in one week according to the tour guide). 

It's just so incredible that all these structures and artifacts and even preserved mummified peoples existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. And we're getting to witness it all now, firsthand; we can literally put our fingers on it. That bridge between time is... magnificent... incredibly transcendent. Again, we were not allowed photos inside but...

It's kind of upsetting and saddening to see some of these great, huge figures all broken up and pieced together, exploitatively displayed...It's also a little difficult to rectify some of my internal struggles with hearing and seeing the information of our ancestors. AND they have literally created the foundations of EVERYTHING we use in modern society. It's crazy deja vu to witness the origins of civilization.


Project Africa: Los Angeles
"A group of conscious artists endeavoring to enrich our spirit and art through cultural immersion into our historical origins"


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